Heaven is a wonderful place,
but why does Hell exist?
On this website you will find documents about Heaven and Hell, but let us first take a look on what Heaven is.
Heaven is Gods dwelling place, it's His home. When the Lord Jesus was here on earth, he told us about Heaven. He said in John 14: 2-3.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Heaven is the most beautiful place. Many peoples have had the privileged to visit Heaven, and none of them wanted to go back to the earth. You can read many testimonies about Heaven on this website and they all teach the same.
God is love, it is His personality, therefore it also says in Gods word; God so loved the world, in fact all He does or act is in love! The day we will enter the gates of Heaven, we are coming to a place so different to what we are use to. The moment we enter the gates of Heaven, it's like saying goodbye to the life on earth, because nothing of this worlds circumstances or any other kind of influences, will be find in Heaven!
If you want to know more, check the testimony by Rev. Oden Hetrick. He is now in Heaven since year 2001. During his lifetime, he visited Heaven more than 80 times. You will find his video-testimony on this website.
You can read his book, "Inside the gates of Heaven", online on Hetrick's website.
Why does Hell exist?
This is a question most of the peoples think about. What does God say about Hell? Hell is not created for peoples, no; it is created for the devil and his angels.
Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Mathew 25: 41
The devil was created by God; he was created as one of the most beautiful angels. He had a high position in Heaven. But he did a mistake, he fall into sin, he sin against God and didn't obey Him, and he even tried to take over the Kingdom of Heaven.
Lucifer, or the devil, is no longer in Heaven; he was cast out together with the fallen angels whom the devil had deceived.
And He (Jesus) said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Luke 10:18
This is a short explaining on why Hell exists. On this website you will find many testimonies by peoples who have visited Hell. These are a warning to peoples on earth; Please, don't go to Hell! Live a holy life, and obey God. You will find His commandments in the Bible.
Peoples who refuse to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior; they take a stand for the devil. This means they chose the devil, and it gives them a ticket to Hell!
Think about this; if your life ends up in Hell, there is no way out, NO! It is a punishment for eternity. My dear, do what ever it takes to keep you out of that place, please! I have translated many testimonies about Hell, and I can tell you, I have never been there, but it is bad enough to write about Hell, it's the most awful place!
Compared to Heaven: God in His great love has created a place where no evil exist, no devil as far as I can see, only love, peace and joy abundantly! And above that, the beauty in Heaven is above all what you can think or imagine, even the colors are so beautiful, that no language here on earth can describe their beauty! Please, don't let the world and the devil deceive you for entering the gates of Heaven the day you leave this world!
Think about this; you do not know how long your life here on earth wills last, tomorrow it could be too late! Many are those who do not care, they say; it's ok. Even one man said, and this is a true story, it happened in Finland: I have friends on both places, its ok!
The very truth is this: There is a war going on outside. I do not talk about war between human beings. No, it's a war about your soul. The devil tries all there is to keep you away from the good news about Jesus Christ and the salvation for mankind. The devil has only this in mind:
The thief (satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
The Lord Jesus said:
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10: 10
Turn your life over now to Jesus Christ. He has already paid the price for your ticket to Heaven. Be bold and say YES to Jesus Christ, and you will spend eternity with God and all the saints in God's Heaven!
Read the other document on how to get saved, please:
"God loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life"
May God bless you abundantly!
- Carlos
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